To establish Medical College and other Institutes under the society for undertaking Medical Education, Training & Research such as:


  • Medical Colleges (Undergraduate & Postgraduate and Super Specialization).
    Colleges of Nursing (BSc. /MSc/PhD), GNM Schools and for training of Auxiliary Staff of all levels.
    Colleges/Institutes for various paramedical courses.
  • Dental College, College of Homoeopathy/AYUSH.
  • To establish/include hospitals to provide advanced and specialized medical facilities and for teaching Undergraduates and Post Graduate medical education and paramedical courses.
    To conduct and encourage medical research and training.
  • To Guide and assist the State Government in planning and implementation of primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare programs as well as imparting medical education in the State.
  • To receive grants from Government and gifts, donations (domestic/foreign), benefactions, loans, and subscriptions whether in cash or securities or any property either movable or immovable in furtherance of the objectives of the Institute.
  • To frame rules and regulations and bylaws to efficiently administer and conduct the affairs of the Medical College and Institutes established and operated/ administered by the Society, including for the conduct of examinations, appointment, and management of various categories of personnel under its employment, management of property and finances, and to do all such lawful acts as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objectives.
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